Tamzin Kraftman
Dolby is teaming up with Ed Sheeran to show listeners how Dolby Atmos is “pushing music to new boundaries”
YouTube to start cracking down on AI clones of musicians
Lil Yachty says hip-hop is in a “terrible place”
Bulky looking turntables be gone; a transparent turntable is entering the market
Music funding programme beatBread offers new advances of up to $3 million for songwriters
Grimes performs at event calling for looser AI rules but “disagrees with the sentiment of the party”
“She is a generation-defining artist”: Taylor Swift named Apple Music’s 2023 Artist of the Year
Max MSP Beginners Guide: Presentation Mode and presets for your synthesizer
Max MSP Beginners Guide: Creating a filter for a software synthesizer
Reverb makes a horror soundtrack using a children’s toy – and the results are as terrifying as you expect
ROLI unveils the Seaboard Block M MIDI controller, offering all the elements of the original in a more portable package
Fatboy Slim plays secret DJ set to help save Brighton pub
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